Vehicle Storage

Vehicle Storage in Palmer, AK

For the most reliable, most secure, and best-valued short or long term vehicle storage in the Palmer, Alaska region, you can turn into Alaska Automated Storage. Whether you've got a boat, RV or trailer that you need a permanent home for when you aren't using it or you need to keep a car or truck for a month or two, you can feel secure that your vehicle is in great hands with Alaska Automated Storage's automobile storage. 

Why should I store my vehicle with Alaska Automated Storage? 

If you need to store your car or truck, if for a short term or long term period, you have to be certain you are storing it using a business you can trust. For many people, their motor vehicle is one of the most precious things they'll ever have, and they ought to be certain that it's properly taken care of. 

Our facility is entirely protected and monitored by 24 hour video surveillance, and you'll also have access to your vehicle from 7:00am to 9:00pm daily. You receive all of the peace of mind of knowing that your vehicle is secure and monitored, with access that's nearly as convenient as keeping it on your own garage. In case you have any sort of vehicle that requires storage, then give us a call! We'll be delighted to discuss rates with you. 

Boat Storage 

When summer is over and it's time to bring your boat ashore for the period, it can be tricky to find a place to keep it. Even if you have space on your driveway to store a ship, municipal bylaws in many areas prohibit permanently saving boats in residential driveways. If you are legally allowed to keep your boat on your property, it is likely that some of your neighbors won't be pleased with the perspective of your boat. 

Avoid the trouble and hassle by keeping your boat with Alaska Automated Storage! 

Vehicle Storage in Palmer, AK
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